Interface Yaml

Yaml is the primary interface for Spyglass configuration. It is serialized and deserialized to yaml files.


databaseRoleGrants?: YamlRoles

A list of database roles and the privileges they are granted.

Updating this list will result in database grant <privilege> and database revoke <privilege> queries being executed.

A list of database roles and their definitions.

Updating this list will result in create database role or drop database role queries being executed.

roleGrants: YamlRoles

A list of roles and the privileges they are granted.

Updating this list will result in grant <privilege> and revoke <privilege> queries being executed.

A list of roles and their definitions.

Updating this list will result in create role or drop role queries being executed.

spyglass: YamlSpyglass

Spyglass-specific configuration.

Standard defaults are generated when import is invoked the first time.

userGrants: YamlUserGrants

A list of users and the roles they are granted.

Updating this list will result in grant role and revoke role queries being executed.

warehouses: YamlWarehouses

A list of warehouses and their configuration

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