Interface YamlSpyglass

Spyglass-specific configuration.

Standard defaults are generated when import is invoked the first time.

interface YamlSpyglass {
    accountId: string;
    compressRecords?: boolean;
    fileSplitStrategy?: string;
    lastSyncedMs: number;
    platform: Platform;
    version: number;


accountId: string

Account id of the form "org_id-account_id" (e.g. "zhjgixi-tv26532")

compressRecords?: boolean

If true, then future sync calls will replace large lists of tables/views with a wildcard (*), based on whether all tables in a schema or database have been granted. Experimental.

fileSplitStrategy?: string

An optional file splitting strategy to divide the single yaml file into multiple files. Experimental.

Possible values:

  • roles: Create directories for roles, which includes all role and grant info in a single file per role, as well as a directory for users and their grants.
  • objects: Create directories for objects, which include role grants for those specific objects. Directories for roles and users are still created for permissions that aren't directly related to objects.
lastSyncedMs: number

Updated automatically on calls to sync.

platform: Platform

Platform name (e.g. "snowflake")

version: number

Yaml protocol version (e.g. 1)

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